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From Conceptual Modelling to Simulation  
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A number of large scale models are being developed and will be developped on Mimosa in the near future. This page is devoted to make them accessible.

The MIRANA model is used to assess the impact of management transfer to local communities on sustainable development of their territories (including the ecological, social and economic aspects). A description of the model is in the following publication:

Aubert, S, Müller J.P., Ralihalizara J. 2010, MIRANA: a scio-ecological model for assessing sustainability of community-based regulations, in: Proceedings of the International Congress on Environmental Modelling and Software, Ottawa, Canada.

The architecture of the system is illustrated in the following figure:

Mirana architecture

which means that to run the model, it is necessary to install:

For running an example, you need the maps and excel files to parameterize the system, as well as the mirana plugin and project to load into mimosa. They should be available shortly or you can asked them to me.

The IMAS model is aimed at understanding the impact of formal and informal seed exchanges and distribution on the biodiversity of cultivated varieties at the country level. It is applied to Sorghum and Mil in Mali as well as Quinoa in Chile.